Terrorism in Italy from 1945 till today

Terrorism in Italy from 1945 till today is a book written by Giovanni Pellegrino that discusses the political situation in Italy from the revival of democracy in 1945 till today.

Giovanni Pellegrino, for more years President of the Italian Parliament Commission about Terrorism and the greater expert about terrorism in Italy, came to opinion that in Italy there was a continue low intensity civil war, from 1945 till today between West and Eastern Europe (between democracy and communism) that peaked in 1945-1949 right after World War II.
With the writer Giovanni Fasanella he wrote a book, "La guerra civile (the civilk war)" who explicate his opinion about the more as 60 years long low intensity civil war in Italy.[1]

This book try to explicate the specific situation in Italy, different from other countries in Europe.
Two countries in Europe have a similar situation about the politics engagement, but they have precise cause, not equal for Italy:

  1. Spain with the Basque ethnic conflict and
  2. Ireland with a long ethnic conflict and religion-political conflict.

The book contain 2 Introduction, 11 Chapters, 2 final Nte + Index. The time between 1943 1nd today is divided in 11 chapters, but can be unified in 4 groups, corresponding to 4 Times.



Second Time - the years 1949-1974

In this years the communist party have an army apparatus, know from secret services from Italy and from Nato.

About exist enough documentation. In this step have less victims, the war was much more a war in being as a war effective. In Italy Wikipedia described at Apparato paramilitare del PCI.

Third Time - the Years of lead (Italy) (1969-1989)

This step in know is well know. Was a time very dangerous in Italy. More important politics was killed. The more famous was Aldo Moro

Fourth Time - from Years of lead (Italy) (1969-1989)- till today

The civil war have less victims but restricted to some consultant of the government. The victims was from left and from right politics party. They was normally consultant about the reform of law of labur. civil war sucks

The book

  1. The book have one introduction, 11 chapters, one analytic index, one book index.
  2. The indroducion : "Una storia non conoscibile" based about a not knowable History.
  1. 1.Chapter : "La Volante rossa", about the communist terrorism after the II Wold War.
  2. 2.Chapter : "Atlantici d'Italia", about structures in Italy favorable to Atlantic politic.
  3. 3.Chapter : "Il compromesso democratico", about one agreement between Communists and Democrats.#9
  4. 4.Chapter : "La rottura dell'equilibrio", about the crisis of the agreement.
  5. 5.Chapter : "La guerra civile a bassa intensita", about the low intensity civil war.
  6. 6.Chapter : "Moro e Berlinguer", about the two important leaders.
  7. 7.Chapter : "I naufraghi del Titanic", about the old politic class, not looking to the future.
  8. 8.Chapter : "La rottura del patto di indicibilità", about he breaking of the pact.
  9. 9.Chapter : "Il disegno tecnocratico", about one technocratic emerging politic class.
  10. 10.Chapter: "Fenomeno Berlusconi", about the emerging new leader.
  11. 11.Chapter; "Il sogno infranto della Bicamerale", about the failed attempt to create new politics regolation.
  1. Indice analitico : Name Index
  2. Indice del volume : Book Index

See also


  1. ^ :Giovanni Fasanella, Giovanni Pellegrino, La guerra civile, Editore : BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli, 2005. ISBN 978-88-17-00630-9


External links